How do Axolotls Breathe?

How do Axolotls Breathe?

You may have heard that axolotls breathe in various ways including through their lungs. Indeed, axolotls are complex animals that although develop lungs, remain aquatic for their entire lives unlike other salamanders. Axolotls require oxygen just as any other aquatic creatures and they have developed … How do Axolotls Breathe? read more »

Do Axolotls Make Noise?

Do Axolotls Make Noise?

Some aquarists report hearing their axolotls make strange noises like squeaking or barking. Is there any truth to these claims? Do axolotls make noise? Are they capable of making any sounds? If you go on Youtube, you’ll probably find a few videos of axolotls swimming … Do Axolotls Make Noise? read more »

Do Axolotls Have Teeth?

Haben Axolotls Zähne

Yes, axolotls have teeth both in their upper and lower jaws. If you’re worried that your axie is going to bite you, don’t — axolotl teeth aren’t sharp enough to penetrate the skin or cause any serious injury. If you’re considering hand-feeding your axolotl and … Do Axolotls Have Teeth? read more »

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